Class Progress

Monitor student activity with the class progress tool by looking at the class as a whole or doing a deep dive on an individual student.

Monitor student activity via Class Progress

Individual student activity in a course site, with detailed information about each tool, is visible via the Class Progress tool. 

    1. Select Class Progress from the navigation bar.  
    2. Select a student name to view more detailed activity information.  
    3. Select the tool name (e.g., Grades, Discussions, and Submissions) [A] to expand for additional information. 
    4. Select any dropdown arrow to expand for additional information.
    5. Select Course Access to see additional information about when the student has accessed the course.
    6. Select Login History to see additional information about when the student has logged into D2L.
    7. Select the forward or back arrows to navigate to other students.
    8. Note: By default, most of the information on student activity in a section of the course site will not be immediately shown in the Class Progress tool. Select the links below an item name (e.g., the topics in the Content area or folders in Submissions) to view more detailed information.

Note: A similar student-facing tool called User Progress is available for students to track their own progress.