Lunch Relief Periods


    1. Each member of the Support Staff is permitted a 30-minute unpaid lunch period which will be scheduled by the supervisor. 
    2. All Support Staff are entitled to a 15-minute relief period in each of the morning and afternoon work periods as scheduled by the supervisor.
    3. The lunch period is not included in the 40-hour workweek, but the relief periods are included.
    4. Relief periods may, with the prior consent of the supervisor, be used as make-up time while attending a daytime Delta class.
    5. Relief periods cannot be accumulated for purposes such as make-up time (for being late, etc.), or to lengthen the lunch period or to shorten the workday.

Full/part-time regular support staff.

Revision/review dates
03/06, 07/17, 10/17, 12/21