Flexible Work Schedules - Support Staff


Schedule adjustments enable supervisors to meet departmental needs and enable support staff to meet individual needs.


Support Staff (SS) work conforms to a traditional schedule and may not exceed an eight-hour day or forty-hour week. Meetings and obligations of the position must occur during normal work schedules.

Balance between the need of the College for flexibility in assigning work and the need of individual SS employees for occasional flexibility in scheduling and temporary modality of work (working from home on an intermittent basis) is the goal of this procedure.  It is purposely general in nature because different situations warrant different solutions and responses.

It is important for supervisors to have sufficient scheduling flexibility in order to effectively meet the needs of the College. It is also important for SS employees to have some flexibility to adjust their schedules to accommodate unexpected challenges. The College recognizes that the improved morale that results from such accommodation of individuals contributes to productivity.  SS employees recognize that the College's goals must take precedence where a choice must be made.
Working remotely is not a substitute for child or dependent care. 

Procedures for SS schedule adjustment

    1. Support Staff employees may request a flexible working schedule in writing to their immediate supervisor.
    2. Requests should be submitted with as much advance notice as possible.
    3. Flexible work schedules are defined as flexible hours/annual appointment or a temporary change in modality (working remotely on an intermittent basis)

An employee and their supervisor may mutually agree to a temporary reduction in the employee's hours with a corresponding reduction in compensation during a contract period for up to one year. The employee's supervisor and Executive Staff member must agree to any such reduction in writing, in advance, and their written rationale must include a statement ensuring that the reduction will not adversely affect the college nor adversely impact other employees. The position will automatically revert to its prior status at the end of the year unless the employee, supervisor and Executive Staff member develop a new agreement, or unless other factors such as budget reductions or reorganization impact the position.


Schedule adjustments must be approved in advance.


Full/part-time regular support staff

Revision/review date
8/12, 7/17, 6/22