At Delta, we take safety seriously. We are here to provide top-notch safety services by creating a secure place for you to reach your dreams.
Public Safety
Delta works very closely with Federal, State, County and all local law enforcement. Our officers are responsible for all law enforcement and security on campus and the four surrounding roads.
Our police officers are trained in the same manner as all other law enforcement officers in the State of Michigan and are certified through the Michigan Commission on Law Enforcement Standards (MCOLES). In other words, we've got your back.
Emergency Alerts
The Emergency Text Notification Service is a free service provided by Nixle and administered by Delta College’s Department of Public Safety. We want to make sure you are the first to know of emergency situations or campus closings.
Using your mobile phone, text DELTAEMG to 888777.
Using the form below, enter your Mobile Number, Email Address, and Zip Code.
If you no longer wish to receive notifications, text STOP to 888777.
Lock your keys in your car or have a dead battery and need some help? Contact the Department of Public Safety, either in person or by phone. This service is free of charge.
If serious injury or illness occurs on campus, immediately call the Department of Public Safety at 989-686-9111. Give your name, describe the nature and severity of the medical problem and the campus location of the victim.
AEDs (Automatic Emergency Defibrillators) are located in various locations around campus. The location of each AED is clearly marked on the wall above the device.
Evacuation chairs
You will find other safety equipment such as emergency evacuation chairs located in stairwells across campus. These seats are designed to transport individuals with mobility challenges up and down stairs during emergency situations.
Evacuation and take shelter maps
Evacuation and take shelter maps are displayed across campus in hallways, classrooms and many meeting areas. Evacuation maps show the safest route to exit the building for fires and other emergency situations, while the take shelter maps identify areas inside the building that provide maximum protection for weather related emergencies.
Fire extinguishers
You will find fire extinguishers and fire alarms located throughout the campus and are identified with a green sign on the wall above them.
The Department of Public Safety operates the College's lost and found. If you lose something, contact the Department of Public Safety at 989-686-9113. If you find something, please turn it in to the Department of Public Safety in N102. We will attempt to locate the owner and return the item.
In collaboration with the DEA (Drug Enforcement Administration), the Department of Public Safety participates in National Prescription Drug Take Back Day. This initiative addresses a vital public safety and public health issue. Medicines that languish in home cabinets are highly susceptible to diversion, misuse and abuse. Unused or expired medications can be turned in to Delta College Public Safety Office during normal business hours for safe disposal. The service is free and anonymous.
The safety ambassador program at Delta College is a network of individuals identified
to assist with safety related activities. Easily identified by their green vests,
safety ambassadors play an active role in coordinating all fire and take shelter drills
on campus. Additionally, each ambassador maintains a supply of first aid items such
as band aids in their work area which can be distributed to students, employees and
visitors. Safety ambassadors can be identified in their work area by a red badge located
next to their office name plate.
To get your student ID card, you must come to the Department of Public Safety and bring your current class schedule, along with your driver’s license or State Identification card. The first student ID is free and any additional, or replacement student ID cards, cost $5, which is payable at the Cashier’s Office.
Students may contact Public Safety to request the opening of a locked classroom. The student must be authorized by their instructor on a list at the Department of Public Safety. The student could then have access to check out a key for the day.
Contact the Department of Public Safety, either in person or by phone. You will need to give the dispatcher your name, location and a description of your vehicle, and an officer will escort you safely to your vehicle.
Report an Emergency
To report a crime or an emergency on campus, contact the Delta College Department of Public Safety in N102, or call 989-686-9111. A crime or emergency which occurs off campus should be reported to the police department having legal jurisdiction for that area. If Public Safety cannot be reached, call 911.
Silent Witness
If you see a crime occurring on campus and you would like to report it, anonymously, please fill out the Silent Witness form. All information will be kept confidential.
To report crime occurring off campus, call the Crime Stoppers of Bay County tip line at 800-422-JAIL (5245). Calls to the tip line are not recorded and your number does not show up on a caller ID. Your identity will remain anonymous.