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Study Abroad Scholarship Applications Open

August 29, 2019

Study abroad scholarships are available to help provide Delta College students with rewarding, life-changing educational experiences in other countries. Thanks to generous donors, the scholarships can make learning about people, their countries and their cultures around the world more affordable.

Two scholarships are available for enrolled students, the Lola Bishop Whitney Scholarship and the Preston and Dr. Betty B. Jones International Scholarship.

The application deadline for both is October 25 at midnight.

Lola Bishop Whitney Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

  • Have a 2.5 grade point average or higher
  • Have successfully completed at least four credit hours of a foreign language at Delta (exceptions may be considered)
  • Have two references – one from a Delta foreign language instructor and one from another Delta instructor or staff member

Preference will be given to students participating in applications where academic credit is granted. The dollar amount of each award will be based on available funds. Awards will be given on a one-time only basis per student.

Preston and Dr. Betty B. Jones International Scholarship Eligibility Requirements

  • Have a 2.8 grade point average or higher
  • Have completed at least one year at Delta College
  • Maintain full-time enrollment during the year the scholarship is awarded
  • Have two references

Preference will be given to students traveling and studying in developing countries. The scholarship will be awarded to students who may or may not have financial need.

Additional Award Criteria

Both scholarships also require applicants to:

  • Write a short 250-750 word essay
  • Complete a cost estimate form
  • Complete an on-campus interview
  • Write a thank you letter and follow-up summary

More Information

There is an extensive amount of time and research that students must invest in order to ensure that they will have a good plan in place to travel abroad. We encourage you to begin early and ask for help if you find that you have questions. For more help or information, call Michelle White at 989-686-9382 or visit to apply.