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Single tuition rate for all dual enrolled students

April 4, 2019

Beginning in the fall semester, Delta College will offer all dual enrolled students a single tuition rate. The new rate, set at $115 per credit hour for the 2019-20 academic year, will be a substantial reduction in cost for out-of-district dual enrolled students.

Delta College has been a leader in dual enrollment opportunities for high school students in Saginaw, Bay and Midland counties as well as those living in other nearby areas. In fact, students from Huron, Sanilac and Tuscola counties are currently taking 41 different online courses along with face-to-face classes.

In addition to an approximately 30 percent cost savings for out-of-district students, Delta is dedicated to supporting students and helping them achieve their goals. Offering dual enrollment classes is a great way for students to get an earlier start on their degree.

Register today

Registration is open now for the 2019-2020 academic year. The Dual Enrollment Center is dedicated to helping make dual enrollment a smooth and valuable opportunity for high school students.

For more information about dual enrollment at Delta College, including registration steps, visit or contact the Dual Enrollment Center at 989-686-9428 or