Meet Austin King: chemist, researcher, star gazer and all around go-getter. He’s also a 2017 Delta College alumnus and a recent Michigan State University graduate. Last summer, he was awarded a prestigious undergraduate fellowship from the American Chemical Society to study nanoparticles.
Austin, from Midland, will continue on at MSU to earn a doctorate in chemistry. And we could not be more proud.
Q: Why did you choose Delta?
A: I chose Delta because it’s one of the greatest community colleges in the nation and it wasn’t too far from where I lived, so it worked out great.
Q: How was your experience at Delta?
A: My time at Delta was nothing short of extraordinary. Delta was a great stepping-off point to pursue a chemistry degree. My professors were inspirational and life changing. I still keep in contact with them and many have become my friends.
Q: Any professors in particular?
A: I keep in touch with many, but David Baker made me truly love chemistry. I found the subject to be very difficult, but he made me understand it. He is a wonderful teacher. I learned an immense amount of information from him. I wouldn’t be the chemist I am today without him.
Q: Were you involved in activities at Delta?
A: I was a dedicated member of the Astronomy Club. In fact, that’s how I met a lot of my friends. I met my girlfriend under the stars – she was a member of the club too.
Q: What are you proud of?
A: MSU didn’t have a Chemistry Club when I transferred, so I founded one. We competed with 12 other schools at the Battle of the Chemistry Clubs and won!
Q: What’s next?
A: After I earn a Ph.D., I’d love to teach and continue to do research. If the opportunity arises, I could go into industry. The sky’s the limit, so it’s nice to have options.