New Adjunct Faculty Orientation

Adjuncts are expected to participate in orientation sessions as scheduled by the College. Ordinarily the sessions will occur prior to  the start of, or during the Fall and Winter semesters. The Faculty Center for Teaching Excellence Coordinator and/or the Dean of Teaching and Learning will contact you with session times. A session must be completed within one year of the instructor’s first class assignment. 

Orientation for new adjunct instructors

    • Provides awareness of available services.
    • Creates understanding of obligations as an instructor at Delta College.
    • Provides an opportunity for instructors to share questions and concerns.


Upon initial hire of the adjunct instructor by the College, the Associate Dean or designee will meet each new adjunct instructor to cover items such as:

    • Accessing the Adjunct Faculty Handbook online 
    • Current course descriptions and objectives
    • Applicable policies and procedures
    • Payroll procedures
    • Textbook selections
    • Course syllabus examples (The faculty member will provide a copy of each course syllabus, including grading procedures and course policies to the Associate Dean each semester prior to the start of classes.)
    • Services available through Delta offices
    • Resource pool, identifying who can assist in specific subject areas (e.g. full-time faculty)
    • Outline steps to get the appropriate key(s) and access to other necessary room resources
    • Outline professional development opportunities, including those available via the COS and 
      elsewhere to all College employees