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Environmental Club

The Environmental Club engages in many events focused on environmental issues and increasing public awareness about the importance of protecting the environment around Delta College, across Michigan and even globally.

Students giving away tree seedlings on Earth Day
Environmental display in the hallway
Group shot of the Environmental Club by the Delta Conservatory

Environmental Club members have many opportunities to take the lead role on projects while educating the community about the importance of sustainability and taking care of our environment. 

Member Benefits

As a club member, you will have multiple opportunities to be actively engaged in environmental activities. The club host two events each semester geared toward environmental protection, and each year around Earth Day, club members distribute trees on campus and donates any profits to an environmental conservancy. Plus the club is constantly working on educating the general public and the Delta College community about the importance of protecting the environment.

In addition, by helping organize and participating in environmental awareness events, you'll get the chance to develop valuable leadership and public speaking skills.


The club meets once a month through the fall and winter semesters.

"The Environmental Club has allowed me to not only expand my view of the environment, but improve my leadership skills as well."

John Nosal
2018-19 Club President