Writing Services

Through writing and reading consultation services, Delta strives to empower students to become stronger, more confident, and increasingly self-directed readers and writers.

Our goal is to create a campus culture that values writing and reading as essential tools that empower critical thinking, effective communication and success in a global society. The WRIT Center strives to help students become better writers – not just produce better papers. 

WRIT Center consultants provide assistance to all students in the areas of writing, reading and multimedia. 

    • We help writers from every discipline through every stage of the writing process—from gathering ideas to reviewing final drafts in any genre.
    • We coach readers in the reading process with strategies in text interaction, vocabulary development, content analysis and study skills.
    • We aid students by providing the technology skills necessary for creating papers and presentations.


Writing consulting by appointment

Use this service for more in-depth writing and/or reading assistance for a specific class. Students may request one 45-minute appointment per class per week. Students who wish to review the same assignment in the following week must make substantive revisions between consultations. Appointments are available virtually and in-person on the main campus. 


Online Submissions

If you can't make it to an in-person writing consultation, we offer an online submission form where you can attach a draft of your paper and receive written feedback from a consultant within two business days.

Review process

    1. After reading your paper, the consultant will greet you in an opening comment and write a note that outlines a plan for the consultant's online comments.
    2. The comments will generally focus on two or three greater needs throughout your paper, such as thesis/topic sentence development, paragraph unity, development of examples or descriptive details, integration of sources, explanation of reasoning and meeting assignment requirements.
    3. The consultant may also look for patterns of sentence errors such as comma splices, run-on sentences, and other issues that interfere with the clarity of your writing.  While we don't proofread or identify every error in your writing, we can point out at least two types of recurring errors in your paper, with examples of how to find and fix them.
    4. Once you have revised, you are welcome to submit again for further feedback. Students may submit up to two drafts for each assignment.

The goal is that you will use these comments to help focus your revision work in a meaningful way and learn to recognize your own errors so that you can become a more proficient self-editor.

Contact us
Make an appointment with student services departments.

1961 Delta Road
University Center, MI 48710