Policy for Naming College Facilities and Programs

Board Policy 9.002

Delta College welcomes the opportunity to honor exceptional donors or contributors to the College. Such contributions enrich and strengthen Delta, and are significant events in the history of the institution. The naming of a College Facility or Program should enhance the institution’s culture, heritage and reputation.

This policy relates to the naming of College "Facilities" including, but not limited to, campuses, buildings, structures, thoroughfares, areas, classrooms, offices or other spaces within the campus grounds. This policy also extends to the naming of Delta College "Programs" including departments, programs, and courses.

Endowed funds may also bear a donor’s name. However, the naming of endowed chairs and endowed scholarships are handled by separate policies established by the Delta College Foundation Board.

This policy is intended to establish uniform criteria and a consistent procedure for review, approval and implementation of decisions affecting the naming of College Facilities and Programs. This policy will be supplemented by Gift Acceptance Procedures approved by the Delta College Foundation Board of Directors.

    1. Delta College welcomes the opportunity to name buildings, rooms, endowed chairs, scholarships, programs, etc. to honor individuals and organizations (the “Name”). Honorees considered for a naming tribute must satisfy one of the following criteria:
      1. Financial support – recognition of a significant monetary gift to the college; or
      2. Extraordinary college service - recognition of a significant impact on the college over an extended period of years.
    2. Naming opportunities and commitments that are the result of monetary gifts must be reviewed by: the College President, the Executive Director of the Foundation, and the Delta College Foundation Board of Directors prior to submission to the Board of Trustees for approval.
    3. Naming opportunities that are considered in recognition of a gift of extraordinary college service must be reviewed by: the College President and the Board of Trustees.
    4. In both cases (naming for financial support and naming for college service), the Delta College Board of Trustees has the authority to approve all naming proposals.
    5. Charitable gift naming applies to significant gifts to Delta College which entail naming recognition for either an individual, family, foundation or other entity, and the naming shall be maintained in perpetuity except as otherwise provided in this Policy and the Naming Gift Agreement. These gifts are eligible for a charitable gift receipt following generally accepted IRS guidelines.
    6. Commitments shall not extend beyond the life of the named Facility or Program, but shall expire with the demolition, renovation, sale or other disposition of a Facility, or the material revision or termination of a Program, or as otherwise provided in this Policy and the Naming Gift Agreement.
    7. Delta College reserves the right to remove the Name from the Facility or Program if the College Board of Trustees determines, in its sole discretion, such as:
      1. the Name is contrary to law;
      2. the Name creates negative publicity; or
      3. the Name may damage the reputation of the College.

In the event the Name is removed from the Facility or Program, the Gift shall not be returned to the Donor.

      1. Gift naming commitments may be implemented upon receipt of a written confirmation of the charitable contribution intent from the benefactor (individual, foundation or business), at the discretion of the College. The failure of a donor to meet the financial commitment of a gift agreement shall be reason to remove a name from a Facility or Program.
      2. Delta College will not accept gifts, enter into business relationships, or accept external support that may compromise its reputation, mission or values. Commitments to naming Facilities or Programs may be terminated in the event of any act or circumstance adversely reflecting upon the honoree or close associates which, in turn, reflects adversely upon the College.
      3. Naming recognition does not authorize an honoree to exert any influence on design, construction, furnishing, etc. details of the named property or building. These obligations remain with Delta College.  Naming signage or plaques will be developed in keeping with Delta College’s branding architecture framework.
      4. The Foundation Office, in conjunction with Delta’s legal counsel and the donors, is responsible for developing a gift agreement, outlining details about the naming recognition specifics. The terms and conditions of any naming of a Facility or Program should be confirmed in a written Gift Agreement between Delta College and the honoree.
      5. Any pre-existing Name will be continued except that this Policy will apply to the named Facility or Program from the date of approval of the Policy.
      6. The naming of a Facility or Program shall always be subject to the terms, conditions and limitations set forth in this Policy, as amended from time to time.

Revised, reviewed and endorsed by the Delta College Foundation Board of Directors (04/12/2011, action # M-460)

Board Action 5378 – April 6, 2021
Board Action 4872 – April 19, 2011